Thursday, July 14, 2016

Seasonal Headdress

Four Seasons
Four Seasons is a headgear equipment. So what's so special about this headdress? Honestly, it's not the top equipment in the game but it's pretty interesting stuff. You probably won't notice this unless you focus a lot on crafting or trying to ship every single items available. To forge this Seasonal Headdress, you will need 4 other headdresses, which are Spring Headdress, Summer Headdress, Autumn Headdress and Winter Headdress. If you look at your crafting list, you will notice you can't any of those. This is because you can only get those from the fairies.

Well, you might not notice, I for one did not notice this until I found out the items that were missing. Do you ever wonder what's the purpose of the ponds in some of the map? If you toss item into it. There will be fairy talking to you. Just like the Goddess in HM series.

Spring Headdress
You will meet Yellow fairy at Spring Spring (weird name for sure). She will requests for something big, so obviously she referred to any giant flower/crop. With this you get Spring Headdress.

Summer Headdress
You will meet Red fairy at Summer Spring. She will give you Summer Headdress for anything you throw into the pond.

Autumn Headdress
You will meet Green fairy at Autumn Spring. She will take any gem you mined.

Winter Headdress
You will meet Blue fairy at Winter Spring. She will requests for flower. Moondrop, pink cat, anything cheap will do.


  1. This was really helpful, thank you!! :)

  2. I can never remember which spring is where and who wants what, so this page is incredibly useful. Thank you!

  3. Really helpful! :)

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