Friday, July 15, 2016


The basic thing you have known is eating bread will allow you to learn a recipe. So the bread has few types, including Cooking, Farming, Weapon, Accessory and Medicine. This goes the same for Bread+. The purpose of Bread+ is that it gives you higher level of recipe. You can only learn recipe up to level 80 for normal bead. Bread+ does not have any limit. Means ONE of the ways for you to obtain recipe for ultimate weapons (You can get some of the recipe by accomplishing quests or unlock secret area). And do note that Farming Bread+ is USELESS since you don't have tools that required level 80+.

Where can I get/farm this?
You can only get Bread+ from drop item of the last boss in Sharance Maze. With this condition, there's no way to reset which bread+ you will get. But I have proven myself that lower level dungeon doesn't always give you Farming Bread+. Cause I myself only farm it in first dungeon. So the best way is to keep going through first dungeon, unless you want specific drop item from boss.

When should I use it?
Use it when you have learned EVERYTHING from the normal bread. Cause Bread+ will give you ANY recipe you haven't learn. Means it's possible to learn a level 7x recipe from Bread+, which you can also get it from normal Bread. Though you can always reset the game for the recipe.

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