Thursday, July 14, 2016

About Everything

About Me, Meg and RF4
Hi everyone. I bet lots of you been wondering, what's the point of writing about this game, Rune Factory 4 (RF4), which was released around 2013 now. Well, there was quite number of games I have to catch up that time. Probably Monster Hunter (MH) took most of the time. Till recently I finally picked up the game back. In fact I have stopped playing the game for like 3 times. And each time I stopped, it took me a day to get used/remembered how and where I have played. I bet this goes the same to most of you. Or maybe you didn't even bothered playing it back, lol.

Obviously there was a reason why I stopped, yet I continued playing this game. Yea, the main reason was I felt I did not complete the game. And it was mainly because the last time I stopped, I wasn't even married. And I have already played the game for 3rd year in game time (IGT) being a bachelor. So I picked up this game for the last time, and finally I got married. So, guess who is my wife? Someone you need 4 years IGT to get married? If you are really an RF4 fan, you can actually guess this. It's Margaret (Meg I will call her from now on). If you have did your homework, you will notice Meg has 4 events, while the other bachelorettes only 1 or 2. So what's so special about this extra 2~3 events! Obviously, thanks to the RANDOM event. Unlike the other RF or Harvest Moon (HM) games, the events here are unpredictable. You can play this game for 5 IGT without getting married to Meg. So what I am saying, Meg is the hardest bachlorette you can get, just joking. Lol. So this time, I gave my "best" playing this game for Meg's sake. I learned how to "reset" this event system in this game, which I wrote in one of the post.

While getting married, I noticed there were a lot of things that I haven't achieved. Honestly, I thought this is one of the game that can give you a long play time, IF YOU WANT. If you simply planned to get the plot done, get married. I bet you can get this game done in less than 50hrs. For me, I have played this game for more than 200hrs. I bet there are freaks played this game longer than me, so I am not showing off. But just to tell you there are plenty of "goals" you can set for yourself.

About Blog
As mentioned, this game is probably "old" by now. And a lot have stopped playing this game. So no point for me to write those minor detail. In fact, if I will to write those, I am simply copying others idea. Lol. So I will write about details that is pretty rare, that you might not even noticed when playing this game. So basically this blog is for those who planned to be a maniac in RF4.. :P

And if you feel that I have missed out anything "special" about the game. Feel free to comment or pm me.. I won't promise I will write tips/walkthrough for it, but I will see what I can do about it. ;)

PS: Credits to those who have wrote tips/information about this game! Cause without them, some of the information here probably won't even exist.


  1. I started playing on december 2016, your blog is being really helpful ty :)

    1. You are welcome. I am glad it's helpful. :) The game can have a long playtime, so I am not really surprise people still looking for its walk through. Kehehe

  2. I really enjoy your blog! Thank you for taking the time to write all these entries out. They are appreciated.

  3. I got the game for Christmas 2017, and your blog is super helpful! It fills in a lot of the gaps that other guides leave. :)

  4. I am playing my 3rd time and can't believe how much I missed and this has been so cool. It's like a new game

    1. SAme here, finally got smart with crafting so runa para wasn't a living hell to get through

  5. its 2021 and we have RF4 Special release on pc, your blog still helpful

  6. 2022...RF4 ist mein erstes RF,bin begeistert! Ihre Seite hilft einer älteren Frau sehr die Tricks zu lernen. Danke!
